What Nobody Tells You about Consistency and Efficiency

For all the benefits of six-sigma, lean, JIT, etc. (and there are significant benefits,) you must not let the focus on efficiency drive out innovation and creativity. 

This is particularly true for engineers who need dedicated time to work on new and different ideas. 

The more you become obsessed with consistency and efficiency in operations, the more likely you are to be diverted from identifying and addressing new opportunities. 

Do make sure that progress is being made on operational excellence, but also continue to encourage experimentation and new thinking.  That is the lifeblood of your business.

Copyright 2018  Bob Legge


I am a trusted advisor on strategy implementation and executive effectiveness to leaders of Fortune 500 companies, mid-size companies, nonprofits, education, and government. My work helps leaders drive strategy, lead successful change, develop high performance cultures, improve individual and organizational performance, and produce faster, sustainable growth and value. 

If you want to seize new opportunities, dramatically improve your leadership effectiveness, and free-up more time for yourself and your family, give me a call.

My website is www.boblegge.com

Contact me at:   bob@boblegge.com

Excellence at Work

Being excellent and efficient at getting things done is good. It’s what effective managers do.
Being excellent at deciding which things to get done is critical. It’s what effective leaders do.
This is a week for giving thanks. If you’re not good at thanking people, this is a good week to begin.
And thank you. To all my clients and friends, to all my readers, and to all the people who influence my thinking and my work.

Copyright 2018 Bob Legge
I am a trusted advisor on strategy implementation and executive effectiveness to leaders of Fortune 500 companies, mid-size companies, nonprofits, education, and government. My work helps leaders drive strategy, lead successful change, develop high performance cultures, improve individual and organizational performance, and produce faster, sustainable growth and value.

If you want to seize new opportunities, dramatically improve your leadership effectiveness, and free-up more time for yourself and your family, give me a call.
My website is www.boblegge.com

How to Address Resistance to Accountability (or to any change)

Last week I heard from a teacher in the Boston area in response to my piece about accountability. She said, “Wow! This is what I do every day as a teacher!”

Many managers and executives tell me that their people aren’t ready for accountability, or have a negative response to the word ‘accountability.’ Is that the case in your organization, and if so, why?

Here’s what works when you encounter any sort of resistance to change:

  1. Do not ignore the resistance – it will only build in strength. They’ll think you did not hear them.
  2. Do not force compliance – the resistance will become covert and continue to grow for the same reason as in #1 above.
  3. Do take the time to listen to people who are resisting. Often just the act of showing that they are being heard will significantly reduce resistance.
  4. Do explain why the change is both needed and in their own best interest.
  5. Move ahead with the change, continuing to be open to feedback, and with the resolve to keep it moving forward.

Copyright 2018 Bob Legge
I am a trusted advisor on strategy implementation and executive effectiveness to leaders of Fortune 500 companies, mid-size companies, nonprofits, education, and government. My work helps leaders drive strategy, lead successful change, develop high performance cultures, improve individual and organizational performance, and produce faster, sustainable growth and value.

If you want to seize new opportunities, dramatically improve your leadership effectiveness, and free-up more time for yourself and your family, give me a call.
My website is http://www.boblegge.com
Contact me at: bob@boblegge.com

Do You Have An Accountability Absence?


A significant challenge for management today is accountability. You must count on people doing what is expected of them, and doing it on time. But despite how important this is, many managers don’t know how to hold people accountable without seeming to be dictatorial. And employees today tend to ascribe negative connotations to the word “accountability.”

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Establishing an accountability-based organization involves two fundamental parts:

  1. Establishing expectations, and
  2. Following through

Both parts are important, and making sure both parts are in place is the responsibility of the manager. If a sound accountability system is agreed to and implemented, most people will respond positively. In fact, high performers like having both responsibility and accountability, and they can feel slighted if others are not being accountable.

When someone is not doing what’s expected, it needs to be addressed. The key is to focus on the difference between the expected performance and the actual performance as well as the poor performer’s behavior, not his/her character traits.

Copyright 2018 Bob Legge
I am a trusted advisor on strategy implementation and executive effectiveness to leaders of Fortune 500 companies, mid-size companies, nonprofits, education, and government. My work helps leaders drive strategy, lead successful change, develop high performance cultures, improve individual and organizational performance, and produce faster, sustainable growth and value.

If you want to seize new opportunities, dramatically improve your leadership effectiveness, and free-up more time for yourself and your family, give me a call.
My website is www.boblegge.com